Roundup Ready®
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Maturity Days
Stalk Strength
SW 0049LRR
A beast of a corn that is silage-specific with top performance both in the field and the bunk. Floury leafy genetic combination with large ears, even double ears are possible but keep the population below 30,000 ppa. Produces 25% floury kernels for stellar starch digestibility and reduced storage time before feeding. Unparalleled producer of high quality tonnage for your herd and a wider harvest window. Towering plant type with a flexible stalk and a tremendous leaf canopy that will wave in the wind and stand for the chopper. Produces long, flex-type ears with soft starch and a distinctive white cob.
Maturity Days: 100
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SW 0356RR
New, 103RM hybrid with Glyphosate tolerance where above and below insect protection is not required. Long, well-filled ears with flex that take lower plant populations plus good husks that loosen in the fall to accelerate grain drydown. Deep kernels on a smaller cob with solid test weight for grain plus good levels of highly digestible starch and fiber. Good choice for early planting with reliable standability. Wide adaptation across the Northeast wherever the maturity fits.
Maturity Days: 103
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SW 1475RR
Excellent wide acre hybrid for the deep south. Consistent performer across varying soil types. Very good tolerance to drought stress. Superb grain quality and test weight.
Maturity Days: 114
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SW 1600RR
A broadly adapted full-season hybrid for grain that moves south and stands strong in the field. The large, flex ears that grow even bigger at lower populations and fill to the tips with fancy test weight grain are hard to beat. A more compact plant type with a lower ear placement enhances standability late into the fall. Strong out of the ground for early planting and fends off late summer drought. Fights off disease complexes in the South like Southern Rust and Southern Corn Leaf Blight. Both VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® and Roundup Ready® Corn 2 trait packages are available.
Maturity Days: 116
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SW 3664RR
Extremely productive dual purpose hybrid for grain and silage with grain drydown. Holds plant size well across environments with ear flex seldom seen in the maturity. Nice snapper and husker with ear flex to accommodate a wide range of populations. Elite dual purpose hybrid for HMC, snaplage, and silage.
SW 3914LRR
Bluechip research performance in silage trials when compared with SW 3904LRR (above), in side by side comparisons over four years. SW 3914LRR is available only as single trait RR. It has slightly more yield from a girthier ear than SW 3904LRR. Improved ear package/husk cover. Must try silage hybrid.
SW 6614RR
Single-trait Roundup® hybrid with superb yield punch across locations. Wide area adaptation including Mid-Atlantic, Coastal US, into deep south. Versatile for grain, snaplage and silage with an especially strong yield history behind soybeans in the rotation.
Maturity Days: 109
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SW 9333RR
Big and brawny hybrid with non-stop performance in the field and in the bunk. A real standout for silage with premium tonnage plus an enviable fiber and starch package. Shells out a lot of bushels of grain and produces energy-rich feed to make a lot of milk. A shanky, large-eared hybrid with deep kernels and a small cob that really struts its stuff. Fast out of the ground for early planting and superior intactness right through harvest plus fights off Northern Corn Leaf Blight. SmartStax RIB Complete, Roundup Ready Corn 2 and Organic versions are available.
Maturity Days: 93
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SW 9639LRR
A massive, hybrid in the field that is built specifically for the silage grower with top performance in the bunk. The one-two punch combination of both leafy genetics plus 25% floury kernels on the ear add up to a lot of tons of forage with super starch digestibility and minimal storage time before feedout. The wider harvest window in the fall provides more flexibility to ensure premium quality silage and maximum milk production for your herd. Long, flex ears with soft starch and a white cob on a robust plant produce an impressive leaf canopy that can throw even some double ears. Keep the plant population below 30,000 ppa for the best results.
Maturity Days: 96
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SW 9696RR
More of a grain focused hybrid with consistent performance in field after field. Uniform ear development down the row, lower ear placement and superior tip fill. Reliable standability, rapid grain drydown and superior test weight. Strong emergence in the spring and holds together late into the fall. Adapted to a wide range of soil types and productivity levels and good on stress. Moves both north and south of zone. Conventional version available.
Maturity Days: 96
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