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  • Aphrodite Cantaloupe (Not Treated)

    Earlier, larger, and slightly sweeter than Athena. High yield potential where larger-sized, 6-8 lbs. melons, are preferred.



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  • Aphrodite Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)

    Earlier, larger, and slightly sweeter than Athena. High yield potential where larger-sized, 6-8 lbs. melons, are preferred.




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  • Apollo Pumpkin (Farmore)

    A complement to Aladdin with improved handle size and handle attachment. Surface is slightly rough!



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  • Apple Speckled Gourd (Treated Seed)

    Shaped like an apple, but the size of a softball or larger. Dark-green with white specks and soft stripes.

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  • Aquarius Cauliflower (Treated Seed)

    Aquarius offers a large leafy plant & very good uniformity. It is widely adapted, does well in warm weather, and can produce large heads.

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  • Aranka Carrot (Not Treated)

    Finger Nantes with 6 inch roots that are 3/4 inch in diameter. Similar to Mokum, has good flavor, and is a great fresh market variety that can be harvested earlier for baby Nantes. 55-60 day for full size 35-40 for baby Nantes.  Aranka produces blunt tipped roots and short, but sturdy tops.




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  • Aranka Carrot (Pelleted)

    Finger Nantes with 6 inch roots that are 3/4 inch in diameter. Similar to Mokum, has good flavor, and is a great fresh market variety that can be harvested earlier for baby Nantes. 55-60 day for full size 35-40 for baby Nantes.  Aranka produces blunt tipped roots and short, but sturdy tops.


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  • Aranka Carrot (Treated Seed)

    Finger Nantes with 6 inch roots that are 3/4 inch in diameter. Similar to Mokum, has good flavor, and is a great fresh market variety that can be harvested earlier for baby Nantes. 55-60 day for full size 35-40 for baby Nantes.  Aranka produces blunt tipped roots and short, but sturdy tops.

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  • Arapaho Long Hot Cayenne Pepper

    An earlier maturing hybrid of the “long hot” cayenne-type that is popular around Philadelphia and New Jersey. It is delicious served grilled or dried. The glossy flesh is “scrunched” and tender.

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  • Arat (Root) (Not Treated Seed)

    Arat replaces Fakir as our rooted-type parsley with smooth, parsnip-shaped roots that are strongly flavored.  When roasted or used in soups.  This is a nice item to take for farmers markets, especially around Northern European populations. Flat leaves are dark-green.

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  • Arat (Root) (Pelleted)

    Arat replaces Fakir as our rooted-type parsley with smooth, parsnip-shaped roots that are strongly flavored. Flat leaves are dark-green.

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  • Arcadia Watermelon (Treated Seed)

    Beautiful elongated seedless with an Allsweet rind. Sound and sweet with firm flesh. Uniform and sets well in heat. Vigorous long vine.

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