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Barron Green Pod Bush Bean (Cruiser Treated)
High pod placement in a very upright plant. Good heat set. The darkest pod color on the market.
Bartolo Cabbage (Treated Seed)
Proven high yields. Waxy, thick, serrated leaves. Excellent for storage. Well-suited to late fresh market boxing.
Bartram Green Pod Bush Bean (Cruiser Treated)
Green bean sets and yields well in warmer planting slots from spring to summer for a widely adapted variety. Produces consistent marketable yield for reliable returns. Features an upright plant for an efficient harvest. Pods detach with caps and stems which aids in better shelf life. Smooth straight pods good for bagged product.
Basil Emily (Untreated Seed)
Emily is specially bred for live plant sales (garden plant sales or grocery store). It has medium-sized Genova-type leaves, but very short internodes. The aroma is fantastic!
Basil Evi (Not Treated)
This is the Downy Mildew resistant basil we have been waiting for! It is a Genovese type with medium-sized-smooth, green leaves (slightly backrolled). The fragrance is perfect and clean. Use is versatile including cut, pots, and hydroponic. The habit is semi-compact and the Downy Mildew resistance is strong.
Basil Evi (Organic)
This is the Downy Mildew resistant basil we have been waiting for! It is a Genovese type with medium-sized-smooth, green leaves (slightly backrolled). The fragrance is perfect and clean. Use is versatile including cut, pots, and hydroponic. The habit is semi-compact and the Downy Mildew resistance is strong.
Basil Italian Large Leaf (Not Treated)
Produces an attractive bushy plant with popular aromatic leaves.
Basil Italian Large Leaf (Treated Seed)
Produces an attractive bushy plant with popular aromatic leaves.
Basil Lemon (Not Treated)
Intensely fragrant of lemon. Medium green pointed leaves. Compact bush plant habit 20-24″ tall.
Basil PROSPERA CG1 (Organic)
This new variety has a vigorous, upright habit with medium-sized leaves. It has a high resistance to Downy Mildew and some resistance to Fusarium.
Basil Prospera® Active Aya (Organic)
Representing a new generation of disease resistance, Aya basil is perfect for field production and can also be used in greenhouses. The plant is semi-compact. The fragrance is very nice and the leaves a dark and shiny, with a lightly grooved flat spoon-shaped leaf. Very productive (with a heavy stem) and slow bolting. If you have been growing DM-resistant basil, but are still having issues, it may be a new strain to which Aya has resistance. Resistant to multiple strains of Downy Mildew and with IR to Fusarium.
Basil Prospera® PS5 (Organic)
A medium-compact plant that performs well both as potted as well as fresh-cut production. Leaves are medium sized, slightly spoon shaped, with a very dark green color and a classic Genovese aroma.