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Astound Cantaloupe (Farmore Treated)
Eastern shipper that promotes improved hold ability and storage – has firmer flesh and a smaller cavity. netting is consistent and refined Suited to main-late season plantings in the southeast and main season plantings in the Midwest and Northeast. Cotton aphid resistant.
Astound Cantaloupe (Not Treated)
Eastern shipper that promotes improved hold ability and storage – has firmer flesh and a smaller cavity. Netting is consistent and refined Suited to main-late season plantings in the southeast and main season plantings in the Midwest and Northeast. Cotton aphid resistant.
Astound Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)
Eastern shipper that promotes improved hold ability and storage – has firmer flesh and a smaller cavity. Netting is consistent and refined Suited to main-late season plantings in the southeast and main season plantings in the Midwest and Northeast. Cotton aphid resistant.
Astry Hungarian Stuffing Pepper (Not Treated)
A mildly hot Hungarian stuffing-type that ripens from pale creamy green to bright-red. 4″-5″ long with 2 1/2″ broad shoulder tapered to a blunt end. Very tasty with a delicious mild heat. Medium-thick flesh.
Astry Hungarian Stuffing Pepper (Treated Seed)
A mildly hot Hungarian-type ripening from cream to bright-red. Very early to turn red. Thick-fleshed and smooth; great for stuffing, Astry has broad shoulders tapered to a blunt end. Very tasty with a “warm” mild heat.
Athena (Treated Seed)
Firm flesh and good sweetness results in a melon that is excellent for shipping. Fruit can stay on the vine without softening.
Athena Arugula (Not Treated)
Athena wild arugula combines excellent uniformity, a beautiful dark green color and nicely shaped, incised leaves with good downy mildew resistance. The habit is erect and it has a tantalizing, spicy flavor.
Athena Cantaloupe (Farmore Treated)
Firm flesh and good sweetness results in a melon that is excellent for shipping. Fruit can stay on the vine without softening.
Athena Cantaloupe (Not Treated)
Firm flesh and good sweetness results in a melon that is excellent for shipping. Fruit can stay on the vine without softening.
Atlantic Giant Pumpkin (Treated Seed)
This is the largest. The pumpkin that wins contests for size.
Atlantis Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)
Excellent interior quality for fresh market appeal and firm flesh for shipping. Produces consistently high sugar; holds sweetness well. Strong vines lend adaptability. Shows uniformity in size and shape.
Atlas Squash (Farmore)
Very uniform size and interior color, perfect for peeling. Larger than Waltham. Thick neck, exceptional uniformity and quality.