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  • Arugula Astro (Organic)

    Distinctively flavored small salad green. Astro is easier to bunch, more vigorous, and leafier than most arugulas.

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  • Arugula Astro (Treated Seed)

    Distinctively flavored small salad green. Astro is easier to bunch, more vigorous, and leafier than most arugulas.


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  • Arugula Bellezia (Organic)

    Bellezia adds field tolerance to Downy Mildew to the preferred type Grazia, which helps solve the most common problem for wild arugula. Nice thick leaves with an unstoppable dark green color!

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  • Arugula Bellezia (Treated Seed)

    Bellezia adds field tolerance to Downy Mildew to the preferred type Grazia, which helps solve the most common problem for wild arugula. Nice thick leaves with an unstoppable dark green color!

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  • Arugula Grazia (Not Treated)

    Wild arugula has better shelf life and a more refined appearance that “cultivated,” round-leafed arugula. It is smaller and slower growing with a fine, intense flavor. Enza/Vitalis breeds the premium varieties, and Grazia is best for our humid climate. It is dark green. Because it is slow-bolting, Grazia is nice for potted plant sales.

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  • Arugula Grazia (Treated Seed)

    Wild arugula has better shelf life and a more refined appearance that “cultivated,” round-leafed arugula. It is smaller and slower growing with a fine, intense flavor. Enza/Vitalis breeds the premium varieties, and Grazia is best for our humid climate. It is dark green. Because it is slow-bolting, Grazia is nice for potted plant sales.

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  • Arugula Sparkle RZ (Not Treated)

    Sparkle RZ is a unique round leaved cultivated arugula with unique visual appeal and thick leaves for good shelf life. Usable as baby leaf or as whole baby plant. Tastes fantastic and has very thick wavy leaves. It is great on sandwiches. Strong against 2 strains of Peronospora.

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  • Ashley Spinach (Not Treated)

    Ashley is a favorite due to its reliability in a wide range of conditions, including stressful times. It is especially good on sand. It handles heat and cold, and can overwinter in high tunnels. It is medium-fast growing with medium-thick dark green elongated leaves with a slight savoy. Used for baby leaf or bagged full-sized leaves.

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  • Ashley Spinach (Treated Seed)

    Ashley is a favorite due to its reliability in a wide range of conditions, including stressful times.  It is especially good on sand. It handles heat and cold, and can overwinter in high tunnels. It is medium-fast growing with medium-thick dark green elongated leaves with a slight savoy. Used for baby leaf or bagged full-sized leaves.

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  • Aspen Pumpkin (Treated Seed)

    A Howden type but with smaller vine. Aspen F1 has what you need: thick stem, large fruit, solid flesh, great orange color. Growing on a semi-bush plant, Aspen F1 should be planted later than Howden. Control the size with plant population. A terrific pumpkin for high yields of jack o’lanterns that sell.


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  • Asteroid Broccoli (Not Treated)

    With excellent uniformity and good heat tolerance, we think Asteroid will prove to be widely adapted for both spring and summer seeding.  Asteroid has medium sized, smooth stems making it one of the best heat tolerant broccoli varieties for bunching, but can also be used for crown cut.

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  • Asteroid Broccoli (Treated Seed)

    With excellent uniformity, and good heat tolerance, we think Asteroid will prove to be widely adapted for both spring and summer seeding. It is used for crown cut , and has a smooth enough stem for bunching.

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