
TETRASWEET Perennial Ryegrass

Highly palatable, fast establishing, tetraploid perennial rye. Tillers extensively, rapid recovery, excellent choice for all types of forage production. Can be grazed. High digestibility leads to increased animal performance and increased producer profits. Seed at 35-45 lbs alone, 10-15 lbs. in mixes.

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Highly palatable, fast establishing, tetraploid perennial rye. Tillers extensively, rapid recovery, excellent choice for all types of forage production. Can be grazed. High digestibility leads to increased animal performance and increased producer profits. Seed at 35-45 lbs alone, 10-15 lbs. in mixes.

Seed Characteristics

Cutting Management 2-3
Hay Haylage Yes
Yield Potential High

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