Cantaloupe Hybrids

Sugar Cube Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)


“Just amazing” is the most comment about Sugar Cube’s flavor. The right size, at 2-4 lbs., to share for dessert or to pack in a CSA shipment. Sugar Cube is an intensely sweet and flavorful melon, sometimes when nothing else is. It has a medium net with no sutures. Great yield is insured by a healthy vine.



“Just amazing” is the most comment about Sugar Cube’s flavor. The right size, at 2-4 lbs., to share for dessert or to pack in a CSA shipment. Sugar Cube is an intensely sweet and flavorful melon, sometimes when nothing else is. It has a medium net with no sutures. Great yield is insured by a healthy vine.



Seed Characteristics

Catalog Type Commercial
Maturity Days 77
Disease Reaction IR: Fom (0,1,2), Sf (1) IR: Sf (2)
Variety Sugar Cube Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)
Shape Round, 2-4 lbs.
Interior Medium net, no sutures, small cavity, med-orange flesh

M = 1,000 Seed Count
MM = Million Seed Count
1000M = Million Seed Count
100M = 100 Thousand Seed Count

Additional information

Package Size

250 SEEDS, 1 M, 5 M, 15 M

Product Downloads

SEEDWAY_Sugar Cube_Feb2021