
SSA 251 BMR6 DS (Dry Stalk Hybrid Sorghum-Sudan)

This hybrid produces a high tillering high quality forage that has excellent early vigor. The high leaf to stem ratio means that you can count on high protein. The digestibility of this hybrid has been increased by 20% due to the BMR 6 trait. The dry stalk gene allows a more timely harvest and helps to get the crop bailed and out of the field before it gets rained on while drying. Typically this hybrid is used in a rotational grazing or 1-3 cutting system allowing you to produce the maximum amount of forage.


This hybrid produces a high tillering high quality forage that has excellent early vigor. The high leaf to stem ratio means that you can count on high protein. The digestibility of this hybrid has been increased by 20% due to the BMR 6 trait. The dry stalk gene allows a more timely harvest and helps to get the crop bailed and out of the field before it gets rained on while drying. Typically this hybrid is used in a rotational grazing or 1-3 cutting system allowing you to produce the maximum amount of forage.