Snow Pea Edible Pod

Shiraz Purple Pod Snow Pea (Not Treated)


A unique fresh market Snow Pea. It has a purple pod color and purple flowers. Resistant to Powdery Mildew.


A unique fresh market Snow Pea. It has a purple pod color and purple flowers. Resistant to Powdery Mildew.

Seed Characteristics

Catalog Type Organic and Untreated
Maturity Days 70
Pod Size & Shape 3”, flat
Variety Shiraz Purple Pod Snow Pea (Not Treated)
Plant 30” Vine

M = 1,000 Seed Count
MM = Million Seed Count
1000M = Million Seed Count
100M = 100 Thousand Seed Count

Additional information

Package Weight

1 LB, 5 LB, 50 LB

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