
One Too Many Pumpkin (Farmore)


Like its name suggests, the white rind is covered with a red-orange to salmon-colored lace pattern giving it the look of very bloodshot eyeballs. Some variability, but all uniquely interesting. Stands up to Powdery Mildew.


Like its name suggests, the white rind is covered with a red-orange to salmon-colored lace pattern giving it the look of very bloodshot eyeballs. Some variability, but all uniquely interesting. Stands up to Powdery Mildew.

Seed Characteristics

Catalog Type Commercial
Maturity Days 110
Disease Reaction IR: Sf
Variety One Too Many Pumpkin (Farmore)
Shape Round/Tall
Plant Full Vine
Color White With Orange-Red Veins
Size/Shape 14" x 14"
Weight 20 lbs.

M = 1,000 Seed Count
MM = Million Seed Count
1000M = Million Seed Count
100M = 100 Thousand Seed Count

Additional information

Package Size

250 SEEDS, 1 M, 3 M, 30 M

Product Downloads

SEEDWAY_One Too Many_March2021