
GAIN Festulolium

Farm Science Genetics®. Great yield potential, pasture or silage. Rapid establishment, vigorous growth, excellent with legumes or slower starting grasses. Leafy, palatable, nutritious for all livestock and horses. Performs best on moist, fertile soils. Hybrid of Italian Ryegrass and Meadow Fescue. Seed at 25-40 lbs. alone, 2-20 lbs. in mixes.

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Farm Science Genetics®. Great yield potential, pasture or silage. Rapid establishment, vigorous growth, excellent with legumes or slower starting grasses. Leafy, palatable, nutritious for all livestock and horses. Performs best on moist, fertile soils. Hybrid of Italian Ryegrass and Meadow Fescue. Seed at 25-40 lbs. alone, 2-20 lbs. in mixes.

Seed Characteristics

Cutting Management 2-3
Hay Haylage YES
Yield Potential M-H

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