
FSG 402 Red Clover

Farm Science Genetics®. High yield potential, unmatched forage quality, excellent disease resistance, superior persistence. Highly resistant to Northern and Southern anthracnose and powdery mildew. Performs across wide geography and variable conditions. Seed at 10-12 lbs. alone, 4-8 lbs. in mixes.


Farm Science Genetics®. High yield potential, unmatched forage quality, excellent disease resistance, superior persistence. Highly resistant to Northern and Southern anthracnose and powdery mildew. Performs across wide geography and variable conditions. Seed at 10-12 lbs. alone, 4-8 lbs. in mixes.

Seed Characteristics

Maturity Medium
Cutting Management Multiple
Hay Haylage YES
Pasture Yes
Yield Potential H

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