Green Leaf

Conversion Lettuce (Untreated Seed with Organic Prime & Pellet)


Conversion is in between romaine and loose leaf. Each leaf is about the same size but has a romaine like texture and erect habit. It has solid ribs and a lot of leaves.


Conversion is in between romaine and loose leaf. Each leaf is about the same size but has a romaine like texture and erect habit. It has solid ribs and a lot of leaves.

Seed Characteristics

Catalog Type Organic and Untreated
Disease Reaction HR: Bl:16-27,30-32EU/Nr:0
Variety Conversion Lettuce (Primed, Pelleted, Not Treated)

M = 1,000 Seed Count
MM = Million Seed Count
1000M = Million Seed Count
100M = 100 Thousand Seed Count

Additional information

Package Size

1 M, 10 M, 40 M, 400 M

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