
AberLasting White X Kura Clover

The goal behind the development of AberLasting was to produce a hybrid between white clover (Trifolium repens) and Caucasian clover (Trifolium ambiguum) that incorporated the desirable traits of both species. White clover is by far the most widely used temperate forage legume in grazed pasture for well-established reasons. It is nitrogen fixing, fast growing, highly digestible and high in protein but exhibits only limited persistency under more extreme environmental stress. The closely related Caucasian clover is superficially similar, has similar nutritional characteristics to white clover but has much greater persistency under extreme conditions of stress.


The goal behind the development of AberLasting was to produce a hybrid between white clover (Trifolium repens) and Caucasian clover (Trifolium ambiguum) that incorporated the desirable traits of both species. White clover is by far the most widely used temperate forage legume in grazed pasture for well-established reasons. It is nitrogen fixing, fast growing, highly digestible and high in protein but exhibits only limited persistency under more extreme environmental stress. The closely related Caucasian clover is superficially similar, has similar nutritional characteristics to white clover but has much greater persistency under extreme conditions of stress.

Seed Characteristics

Variety AberLasting White X Kura Clover