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Orange Krush Watermelon (Not Treated)
Great flavor, unique flesh color, excellent yielder of large fruit.
Orange Krush Watermelon (Treated Seed)
Great flavor, unique flesh color, excellent yielder of large fruit.
Sangria Watermelon (Faremore Treated Seed)
Very sweet, firm flesh. Reliable quality. Sets the standard for flavor in an Allsweet rind type. Can be used for pollinating tripods or grown on its own for its famously good flavor.
Sangria Watermelon (Not Treated)
Very sweet, firm flesh. Reliable quality. Sets the standard for flavor in an Allsweet rind type. Can be used for pollinating tripods or grown on its own for its famously good flavor.
Sentinel Watermelon (Farmore Treated Seed)
An Allsweet-type hybrid suitable for long-distance shipping thanks to its thick rind and oblong-blocky shape, Sentinel offers growers market flexibility along with high yield potential.
SSX8585 Watermelon (Not Treated)
A blocky Allsweet type that is high yielding with strong, vigorous vines providing excellent protection.
SSX8585 Watermelon (Treated Seed)
A blocky all sweet type is high yielding with strong, vigorous vines providing excellent protection..
Starbrite Watermelon (Farmore)
Starbrite is used where there is a market for very large melons. It has a Royal Sweet rind and sweet flesh. GR: SE
Sweetheart Watermelon (Treated Seed)
Oblong Allsweet hybrid with strong and vigorous vine. Very distinctive rind color. High sugar content with seeds spread on the outskirts of the flesh.
Topgun Watermelon (Faremore Treated Seed)
Growers looking for a large-oblong shaped crimson appreciate the quality, uniformity and yield of Topgun. Reliably good interior quality.
Topgun Watermelon (Not Treated)
Growers looking for a large-oblong shaped crimson appreciate the quality, uniformity and yield of Topgun. Reliably good interior quality.
Walker Watermelon (Treated Seed)
Excellent uniformity of fruit shape and size. High yielding and early maturing fruit. Strong, vigorous plant. High brix; firm, crisp flesh and excellent flavor.