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Magnolia MXR Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Magnolia has strong yield potential with good stress tolerance. It produces a strong plant, an attractive package, great tipfill and super eating quality.
Matriarch Sweet Corn (Attribute II) (Cruiser Treated)
A good quality Attribute II bicolor with a large ear and great package.
Signed Agreement is Required
Mattapoisett Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
The best main-season Synergistic white- outstanding quality, excellent plant and package and very good eating. Large but refined ear. 8″ ear height.
Milky Way Sweet Corn (Attribute) (Cruiser Treated)
An Attribute white with TripleSweet quality.
Our Milky Way seed is NOT Tolerant to Roundup/Glyphosate.
Signed Agreement is Required. GE.
Miniature Colored Popcorn (Not Treated)
Red, yellow, black, gray, brown, purple, pink, blue, white, orange, and many different calicos. Most ears are combinations of many colors. (7500 seeds per pound).
Montauk Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Main season Synergistic with excellent appearance, flavor and sweetness. Definitely one to try.
Montauk Sweet Corn (Not Treated)
Main season Synergistic with excellent appearance, flavor and sweetness. Definitely one to try.
Natural Sweet XR Sweet Corn (Organic)
An organically grown sweet corn. This mid season bicolor has strong seedling vigor, large ears with good eating quality and an attractive husk package.
Nicole Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Nicole is a high-quality, white sweet corn with large ears, early maturity, great yield, excellent eating quality, and a beautiful package with dark green husk.
Obsession II Sweet Corn (Performance Series) (Cruiser Treated)
The Seminis Performance Series, great eating quality you and your family can enjoy straight from the field. Superior genetics, excellent weed control and high quality products.
Genetically Engineered Variety. License Number is Required.
Obsession Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Grower friendly with high quality! Good plant vigor and moderate resistance to rust and northern corn leaf blight give Obsession a leg up on previous first early shrunkens. Attractive ears have very good eating quality, moderately tender and very sweet.
Passion ll Sweet Corn (Performance Series) (Cruiser Treated)
Passion II brings together the benefits of Passion in tandem with Roundup Ready® 2 Technology and control of select insect pests available in Performance Series® sweet corn varieties.
Genetically Engineered Variety. License Number is Required.