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Incredible Sweet Corn (Not Treated)
A proven performer for yield and quality. Tight, dark-green plant has 1/2″ tip cover, excellent appearance, and a good shelf-life.
Incredible Sweet Corn (Treated Seeds)
A proven performer for yield and quality. Tight, dark-green plant has 1/2″ tip cover, excellent appearance, and a good shelf-life.
Indian Ornamental Corn (Treated Seed)
Iochief Sweet Corn (Treated Seed)
Very old market variety. Long relegated to the home garden trade.
Jackpot Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Excellent eating quality, consistent tip fill, and an impressive disease package. One of the best. Good for late season.
Kandy Korn Sweet Corn (Treated Seed)
Full season for roadside sales. Good corn flavor. Distinguishable red husk.
Kate Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Exceptional eating quality. Attractive ears for roadside and farmers’ markets.
Kickoff XR Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
A first early, high quality with an excellent husk package. Great seed quality. Strong tipfill.
Kickoff XR Sweet Corn (Not Treated)
A first early, high quality with an excellent husk package. Great seed quality. Strong tipfill.
Leadoff MXR Xtra-Tender™ Sweet Corn (Cruiser)
Leadoff MXR is the first early hybrid with a high kernel row count and good kernel color. Leadoff MXR has a great disease package and very good husk protection. Leadoff the season right with this fresh market and roadside variety.
Liberty Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
A main season shipper, with easy snap, strong tipfill, and sturdy plant. Liberty produces an ideal ear size for shipping and therefore is an exceptional choice for any shipper.
Liberty Sweet Corn (Non-Treated)
A main season shipper, with easy snap, strong tipfill, and sturdy plant. Liberty produces an ideal ear size for shipping and therefore is an exceptional choice for any shipper.