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Gallant MXR Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Tall plant with strong stalks. The large barrel size makes this a good late season shipper. Does well in the Southeastern US during the fall/winter.
Glacial Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Bright white kernel color and excellent eating quality. Large ears with good tipfill.
Gold Standard Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Our best eating quality in a Yellow Se. Gold Standard is a main season Quad Sweet. It has a strong dark green plant with good tipfill.
Guardian XR Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
A full season shipper well suited for fall/winter plantings in the south. Strong tipfill and consistent performance across environments.
Hero XR Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
An early shipper ear this is widely adapted. Good cold soil vigor. Good snap.
Honey Select Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
A refined appearance with 8″ ears and an 18 – 20 row count compliments the best flavor available in yellow Se corn. It is part of the Triple Sweet Brand, meaning it has 25% supersweet kernels on each ear but can be grown with other Se and Su varieties.
Honey Select Sweet Corn (Not Treated)
A refined appearance with 8″ ears and an 18 – 20 row count compliments the best flavor available in yellow SE corn. It is part of the TripleSweet Brand, meaning it has 25% supersweet kernels on each ear but can be grown with other SE and SU varieties.
Honor XR Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Robust plant, good seed vigor, and adaptability contribute to better than average performance of this main season shipping variety. Ears are well filled with very good flavor and texture. Adapted to all US growing regions.
Icon XR Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
An early yellow with high quality. A complement to Signature XR.
Illini Xtra Sweet Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
The original supersweet. We still sell quite a bit, but can no longer recommend it’s eating quality.
Illusion Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Illusion is somewhat of a miracle! It is very good in cold soil with a vigorous 6′ plant and excellent appearance with a dark green husk, great cover, and flag leaves. The large ear has delicious, tender, kernels.
Illusion Sweet Corn (Not Treated)
Illusion is somewhat of a miracle! It is very good in cold soil with a vigorous 6′ plant and excellent appearance with a dark green husk, great cover, and flag leaves. The large ear has delicious, tender, kernels.