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Devotion Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Durable plant resists lodging. Produces attractive, easy to snap ears with very good eating quality. Suitable for both shipping and local sales.
Earth Tones Ornamental Corn (Not Treated)
This early dent flour corn variety has an ear 8-10″ in length. The remarkable trait of this dent corn lies in the beautiful muted colors in the ear. The kernels of the corn are NOT the shiny, deep intense colors found in Indian Corn. The ears contain many of the soft colors found in nature near harvest time. The beautiful ears can be used for fall decorations.
Eden RMN Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Our best eating quality white SuperSweet! Crisp and flavorful. The sh2i gene gives great seed quality and vigor. Large ears with a tight husk cover.
Endurance MXR Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
A large ear on a second early. Great husk protection, excellent field holding ability.
Endurance MXR Sweet Corn (Non-Treated)
A large ear on a second early. Great husk protection, excellent field holding ability.
Equinox Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Strong seed quality on a first early yellow. Good eating quality and strong tipfill.
Essence Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Very tender with high sugars. Refined ear with strong tip fill, excellent flag leaves and husk cover.
Evolution Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
Evolution is a Synergistic Plus bicolor with a large ear 8″ x 2″, 16 rows ears, attractive outside package, good cold soil emergence and the outstanding eating quality you’ll come to love with the new Synergistic Plus.
Fantastic XR Sweet Corn (Cruiser Treated)
One of the best varieties for local market now has improved Rust Resistance. Large cylindrical ears, 16-18 rows, 8″- 8.5″ ears have very good tip fill. A sturdy plant is made even better with the added disease resistance. Widely adapted.
Fantastic XR Sweet Corn (Not Treated)
One of the best varieties for local market now has improved Rust Resistance. Large cylindrical ears, 16-18 rows, 8″- 8.5″ ears have very good tip fill. A sturdy plant is made even better with the added disease resistance. Widely adapted.
Fiesta Ornamental Corn (Treated Seeds)
A hybrid ornamental corn developed by the University of New Hampshire. Early maturity plus shorter, stouter plants that are less susceptible to wind damage. Ears are 7″ – 10″ in length with 20% to 30% purple husks. Decorative colors of yellow, red, and white.
G-90 Sweet Corn (Treated Seed)
G-90 remains a farm favorite, particularly in the Southeast and Midwest. A reliable, rugged, vigorous hybrid.