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Alexandria Squash (Treated Seed)
Alexandria is an “Eskenderany” type; this type is popular among Mid-Eastern, Russian, and Asian markets. Shape is truly cylindrical and open plant with semi-erect single-stem allows for easy picking. Also shows tolerance to cold temperatures.
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Ambermax Squash (Farmore)
Dark red orange exterior is brilliant in color. Holds color well and stores well. Among the best for eating quality, with a tasty balance of sugars and a smooth texture.
Basima Squash (Treated Seed)
Basima is an “Anita” type squash; this type is popular in Mid-Eastern markets where it is used for stuffing. Fruit is tapered to the stem. Productive.
Cassia Squash (Organic)
This hybrid improved version of an Italian heirloom has a sturdy flower attachment and is intended to sell with the flower. Romanesco squash has a unique firm texture and ridged waxy skin.
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Cue Ball Squash (Not Treated)
A complement to One Ball and Eight Ball, but pale green in color.
Cue Ball Squash (Treated Seed)
A complement to One Ball and Eight Ball, but pale green in color.
Deema Squash (Treated Seed)
Deema is an “Anita” type squash. Consistently shows strong yields in breeder’s yield study trials. True tapered shape and small blossom scar.
Eight Ball Sqaush (Treated Seed)
Round, dark and glossy, Eight Ball is aptly named. High yields, great to stuff; good item to hand-sell to restaurants or other specialty markets.
Eight Ball Squash (Not Treated)
Round, dark and glossy, Eight Ball is aptly named. High yields, great to stuff; good item to hand-sell to restaurants or other specialty markets.
Hurakan Squash (Farmore)
True gray zucchini type with excellent versatility. Long post harvest shelf life-stays fresh and glossy in the store. A proven performer in all growing areas.
Hurakan Squash (Not Treated)
True gray zucchini type with excellent versatility. Long post harvest shelf life-stays fresh and glossy in the store. A proven performer in all growing areas.
Ishtar Squash (Not Treated)
Ishtar has a very productive semi-erect plant with a single stem and an open habit. Compared to Jedidah, the fruit has a light pale green color with mottles. Edible in about 35-30 days after sowing. Suitable for the Mid-eastern, Russian and Asian markets.