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Sweetmax Squash (Farmore)
A large and early maturing butternut with a blocky, square shape. Interior flesh is deep, dark orange. Fruit ranges from 5-10 lbs. In size and can be used for processing applications.
Texas Squash (Not Treated)
Large processing type with average size in the range of 12 – 15 lbs. Texas carries its weight in its long neck.
Texas Squash (Treated Seed)
Large processing type with average size in the range of 12 – 15 lbs. Texas carries its weight in its long neck.
Ultra HP Squash (Not Treated)
Originally produced to lower inbreds and off types of Ultra. Off-season production in South and mid-South. Uniform, long neck, and larger size.
Ultra HP Squash (Treated Seed)
Originally produced to lower inbreds and off types of Ultra. Off-season production in South and mid-South. Uniform, long neck, and larger size.
Waltham Butternut Squash (Farmore)
A standard in the industry. Popular favorite among growers and home gardeners alike.
Waltham Butternut Squash (Not Treated)
A standard in the industry. Popular favorite among growers and home gardeners alike.
Waltham Butternut Squash (Organic)
A standard in the industry. Popular favorite among growers and home gardeners alike. ORGANICALLY PRODUCED.
Waltham Butternut Squash (Treated Seed)
Waltham is an industry standard- with a larger fruit-size. Popular favorite among growers and home gardeners alike.
Waltham Seneca Strain Squash (Farmore)
Waltham is a standard in the industry and a favorite among growers and home gardeners alike. Waltham is an OP variety; the strain featured here as the Seneca strain is bred in New York and is offered as a uniform version of an old favorite. Dark interior color.
Waltham Seneca Strain Squash (Not Treated)
Waltham is a standard in the industry and a favorite among growers and home gardeners alike. Waltham is an OP variety; the strain featured here as the Seneca strain is bred in New York and is offered as a uniform version of an old favorite. Dark interior color.
Yukon Squash (Treated Seed)
Good size and nice orange flesh. With a longer neck, it can be used as a larger fresh market type or a processing type. This variety has a great uniformity and size. Yukon is suitable for short day production.