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Turnpike Bell Pepper (Treated Seed)
Turnpike combines very strong Phytophthora resistance with high yields of dark, green firm fruit. A uniform size, and good blocky shape makes Turnpike ideal for place pack. Compared to “1819”, the fruit is fancier and the plant is sturdier.
Unique Jalapeno Pepper (Treated Seed)
Low heat cylindrical jalapeno intended for processing into “nacho” rings. The plant is stronger and yield potential better than other similar varieties. Additionally the shape of the plant allows for the fast harvest. Approximately 1200 scovilles.
Vanguard Bell Pepper (Not Treated)
Vanguard produces extra large to jumbo sized fruit with a continuous setting habit. The fruit is darker green and smoother than Revolution.
Vanguard Bell Pepper (Pelleted)
Vanguard produces extra large to jumbo sized fruit with a continuous setting habit. The fruit is darker green and smoother than Revolution.
OUT OF STOCK – Sub Standard Treat or Non Treated Vanguard
Vanguard Bell Pepper (Treated Seed)
Vanguard produces extra large to jumbo sized fruit with a continuous setting habit. The fruit is darker green and smoother than Revolution.
Velociraptor Pepper (Not Treated)
Early maturing and high yielding red habanero that is widely adaptable to multiple growing regions. Distinct color, smell and taste all meet the demands of this rapidly growing market.
Velociraptor Pepper (Treated Seed)
Early maturing and high yielding red habanero that is widely adaptable to multiple growing regions. Distinct color, smell and taste all meet the demands of this rapidly growing market.
Yellow Bardo Sweet Pepper (Not Treated)
This large, heavy, thick fleshed sweet yellow Italian roaster is an improved version of Canario with better early yield.
Yellow Bardo Sweet Pepper (Treated Seed)
This large, heavy, thick fleshed sweet yellow Italian roaster is an improved version of Canario with a better early yield.
Yellow Sparkler Sweet Pepper (Not Treated)
Yellow Sparkler is an early maturing, sweet mini “snacking” pepper, with high Brix, a great sweet taste with a crunchy texture. The fruit are two lobed, quite uniform, firm, smooth and glossy with a very few seeds and mature from green to an attractive yellow color. The strong plants have short internodes, provide good fruit cover and have a notable yield potential. Yellow Sparkler performs well in low to mid-tech protected culture as well as in the open field.
Yellow Sparkler Sweet Pepper (Treated Seed)
Yellow Sparkler is an early maturing, sweet mini “snacking” pepper, with high Brix, a great sweet taste with a crunchy texture. The fruit are two lobed, quite uniform, firm, smooth and glossy with a very few seeds and mature from green to an attractive yellow color. The strong plants have short internodes, provide good fruit cover and have a notable yield potential. Yellow Sparkler performs well in low to mid-tech protected culture as well as in the open field.
Yellow Sweetie TZ Sweet Pepper (Not Treated)
Erect sturdy plant, great flavor, nearly seedless fruit, and a upside down V-shaped plant. Somewhat slow to turn color.