Other Hot Hybrids

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  • El Dorado Hot Pepper (Not Treated)

    One of the most delicious hot peppers, this extra large and extra early Santa Fe/ Caribe type. El Dorado has thick crisp flesh that makes a great pickle. It is also good for stuffing and salsa. Depending how well it is cleaned of membrane, heat can vary between mild and 3000 scovilles.


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  • El Dorado Hot Pepper (Treated Seed)

    One of the most delicious hot peppers, this extra large and extra early Santa Fe/ Caribe type.  El Dorado has thick crisp flesh that makes a great pickle.  It is also good for stuffing and salsa.  Depending how well it is cleaned of membrane, heat can vary between mild and 3000 scovilles.


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  • Fresno 3429 Hot Pepper (Primed)

    Produces extra large fruit. High yielder with medium-tall plant. Very nice deep red color at maturity. Very firm and thick walled. Great shipper. Very adaptable.



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  • Golden Heat Hot Pepper (Treated Seed)

    A very high-yielding “finger hot” pepper. Very thin flesh that turns bright-red. Very hot when red and a somewhat concentrated set that is early for the type.


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  • Golden Max Hot Banana Pepper (Not Treated)

    Attractive fruit with thick walls. Adequate pungency with great flavor and texture. Produces large number of uniform fruits.

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  • Golden Max Hot Banana Pepper (Treated Seed)

    Attractive fruit with thick walls. Adequate pungency with great flavor and texture. Produces large number of uniform fruits.

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  • Halcon Hot Pepper (Treated Seed)

    Semi early Serrano type maturing in 85 – 90 days. High yield with medium plant but vigorous to start the season. Good tolerance to humid conditions. Fruit is uniform, dark green, and medium to large size.

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  • High Fly 2 Hot Pepper (Treated Seed)

    This improved Thai Chile is both ornamental and flavorful. Clusters of 2″ long bright red fruit row from the top medium-long stalks like a palm tree. Compared to OP Thai pepper, High Fly is earlier to red and more compact. Market it tired into a bunch, fresh or dried. It can also be sold as an ornamental for plant sales or as a cut-flower.


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  • Iberia Cayenne Pepper (Not Treated)

    You and your customers will be saying “Holy Toledo!” when you see the size of this fruit. A light, dull-green when immature – and sold both in the green and red stage. Iberia can be sold 2 to 3 weeks earlier than Mesilla, with larger fruit, up to 11″ long, thicker flesh, and a greater total yield. The heat is relatively mild, around 2000 scovilles.


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  • Iberia Cayenne Pepper (Treated Seed)

    You and your customers will be saying “Holy Toledo!” when you see the size of this fruit. A light, dull-green when immature – and sold both in the green and red stage. Iberia can be sold 2 to 3 weeks earlier than Mesilla, with larger fruit, up to 11″ long, thicker flesh, and a greater total yield. The heat is relatively mild, around 2000 scovilles.


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  • Inferno Banana Pepper (Not Treated)

    Uniform and productive, for fresh market and pickling. Dagger-shaped, smooth and straight. Appropriately named!

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  • Inferno Banana Pepper (Treated Seed)

    Uniform and productive, for fresh market and pickling. Dagger-shaped, smooth and straight. Appropriately named!

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