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Abay Bell Pepper (Not Treated)
Blocky yellow fruit, mostly extra large. Reliable and widely adapted. The fruit is large and fancy with a continuous set.
Abay Bell Pepper (Organic)
Blocky yellow fruit, mostly extra large. Reliable and widely adapted. The fruit is large and fancy with a continuous set.
Abay Bell Pepper (Treated Seed)
Blocky yellow fruit, mostly extra large. Reliable and widely adapted. The fruit is large and fancy with a continuous set.
Allende Poblano Pepper (Treated Seed)
Concentrated fruit set. Sets fruit well under hot growing conditions.
Out of Stock – OBSOLETE
Anaheim 118 Pepper (Not Treated)
Large, smooth, and somewhat flat, mildly-hot chile, 7″ long. Ripens from medium green to red. Prolific and early for type. Sturdy, bushy plant.
Anaheim 118 Pepper (Treated Seed)
Large, smooth, and somewhat flat, mildly-hot chile, 7″ long. Ripens from medium green to red. Prolific and early for type. Sturdy, bushy plant.
Antebellum Bell Pepper (Treated Seed)
Arapaho Long Hot Cayenne Pepper
An earlier maturing hybrid of the “long hot” cayenne-type that is popular around Philadelphia and New Jersey. It is delicious served grilled or dried. The glossy flesh is “scrunched” and tender.
Aristotle X3R Bell Pepper (Not Treated)
Excellent green color and smooth blocky fruit. A smart choice for the combination of earliness, disease resistance and high yields with very few culls. Small plant results in mostly concentrated set. Anthocyanin-less.
Aristotle X3R Bell Pepper (Pelleted)
Excellent green color and smooth blocky fruit. A smart choice for the combination of earliness, disease resistance and high yields with very few culls. Small plant results in mostly concentrated set. Anthocyanin-less.
Aristotle X3R Bell Pepper (Treated Seed)
Excellent green color and smooth blocky fruit. A smart choice for the combination of earliness, disease resistance and high yields with very few culls. Small plant results in mostly concentrated set. Anthocyanin-less.
Aruba Sweet Pepper (Not Treated)
Fruit is 7 1/2″ x 2 1/4″ and a pale lime-green maturing to red. Crisp tasty fruit, early maturing, with high yields. Tall upright plant has a very good canopy.