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Milena Bell Pepper (Organic)
Reliably produces blocky pure orange-colored fruit with very early color. For tunnel or open field. Medium-sized “place-pack” fruit. Together, Milena and Abay are the heaviest producing, fanciest colored bells available for open field production.
Mizuna Mustard (Organic)
Mizuna is a Japanese mustard with a slightly peppery and spicy taste. Lobed green leaves make a great addition to salad mixes.
Napoli F1 Carrot (Organic)
Full-size early hybrid Nantes-type for bunching, producing 10″-12″ tops. Roots are bright orange and 8″ long with good, sweet flavor.
Natural Sweet XR Sweet Corn (Organic)
An organically grown sweet corn. This mid season bicolor has strong seedling vigor, large ears with good eating quality and an attractive husk package.
New Red Fire (Organic Seed – Organic Primed & Pelleted)
Red leaf lettuce with a good balance of red color and vigorous growth. Also good in salad mix for a lighter red color. ORGANICALLY PRODUCED.
New Red Fire (Organic)
The key to New Red Fire’s long-standing success is that it has a good combination of color, vigor, and weight. It is slow-bolting and uniform.
Oregano Zaatar (Organic)
Soft, oval, gray-green leaves. Intense oregano aroma and flavor, well known for centuries in the Middle-east as a culinary and a medicinal herb.
Parade Bunching Onion (Organic)
Waxy, dark-green stalks. Our best-selling bunching onion. Heat resistant, large bunching onion. Vigorous, upright grower with no bulbing. Excellent green to white ratio, and the greens resist breaking. Perfect for bunching!
Parsley Gigante D’ Italia (Organic)
Gigante D’ Italia has large flat, glossy leaves on a large plant. Both the plant and the leaves are about twice as big as Dark Green Italian.
Passat Cabbage (Organic)
Healthy upright plant. Dense heads are suitable for processing or fresh market. The flavor and internal quality are very good. Good for mechanical harvest. Passat has the highest amount of vitamin C content of our processing cabbage. This helps keep the kraut white.
Picolino Cucumber (Organic)
Picolino starts early and can keep producing for a long season. The fruit color is a consistent, nice bright green. 5″-6″ fruit has great flavor and texture with a tender skin. Although listed as 52 days, in a high tunnel you may pick fruit as quickly as 45 days. Fruit sets freely; be prepared to feed the vines generously to support the fruit.
Pomegranate Crunch (Organic)
This flashy small red romaine is very easy to grow and holds well. The texture is in-between romaine and butter-head with thick, glossy leaves. Beautiful dark-wine color is accented with lime green and the red color goes nicely into the head.