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Camino Europa Melon (Not Treated)
An excellent canary for field-holding ability, fruit tends to resist cracking. Sweet flavor and firm texture, approx. 13 – 15% brix.
Camino Europa Melon (Treated Seed)
An excellent canary for field-holding ability, fruit tends to resist cracking. Sweet flavor and firm texture, approx. 13 – 15% brix.
Niala (VM18011915) Melon (Not Treated)
Canary melon offered for growers looking for consistently larger fruit; 1915 averages fruit in the 5-8 lb range. 1915 is an earlier maturing variety and shows the traditional “wrinkled” rind typical of canary melons.
Niala (VM18011915) Melon (Treated Seed)
Canary melon offered for growers looking for consistently larger fruit; 1915 averages fruit in the 5-8 lb range. 1915 is an earlier maturing variety and shows the traditional “wrinkled” rind typical of canary melons.
Visa Melon (Treated Seed)
Early set of aromatic fruit on strong vines. The light-green flesh has a mild, very sweet flavor. When ripe, the rind is yellow, under a full net.