Melon Seeds

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  • Cayucos Beach Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)

    Extended shelf life melon that blends harper traits with western shipper traits.  Fruit rind will turn tan when mature and will slip from vine like an eastern shipper.  Performs best in early segments.  Shelf life improved over standard western shipper.

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  • Charlotte Honeydew (Not Treated)

    A simply delicious honeydew with an average of 13 brix. Fruit is both firm and tasty and can be used for both shipping and roadside applications. Charlotte has a consistent, round shape for easy packing. Plants are vigorous with a canopy that offers protection from sunburn.


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  • Charlotte Honeydew (Treated Seed)

    A simply delicious honeydew with an average of 13 brix. Fruit is both firm and tasty and can be used for both shipping and roadside applications. Charlotte has a consistent, round shape for easy packing. Plants are vigorous with a canopy that offers protection from sunburn.

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  • Damaris Canataloupe (Not Treated)


    Extended shelf life melon with excellent firmness that helps promote increased field holding ability and shelf life. Damaris has a refined net and dark interior color. Harvest like eastern shippers. Damaris will pick 3 to 4 times.

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  • Damaris Cantaloupe (Farmore)

    Extended shelf life melon with excellent firmness that helps promote increased field holding ability and shelf life. Damaris has a refined net and dark interior color. Harvest like eastern shippers. Damaris will pick 3 to 4 times.



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  • Delicious 51 Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)

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  • Dewlightful Honeydew (Not Treated)

    This sweet, luscious honeydew, with sugars ranging from 13-16%, has good shipping ability. This honeydew is adapted to the humidity of the Eastern states and does not tend to crack other than faint “sugar cracks” that indicate ripeness. Melons are 6 1/2″ round with a small cavity and light green flesh.


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  • Dewlightful Honeydew (Treated Seed)

    This sweet, luscious honeydew, with sugars ranging from 13-16%, has good shipping ability. This honeydew is adapted to the humidity of the Eastern states and does not tend to crack other than faint “sugar cracks” that indicate ripeness. Melons are 6 1/2″ round with a small cavity and light green flesh.


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  • Dove Specialty Melon (Treated Seed)

    Ananas-type melon- expect the very best in flavor! Dove is a soft-fleshed melon with a gourmet taste. It is not uncommon for sugars to reach as high as 15.5%. Early maturing!

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  • Earlichamp Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)

    Produces fruit with thick flesh and a small cavity, making Earlichamp heavy for its size.

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  • Goddess Cantaloupe (Not Treated)

    Early! Fragrant, medium-firm flesh with very good flavor. This is an early melon to feel good about! Large-size for an early maturing cantaloupe. Best if harvested at half-slip.

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  • Goddess Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)

    Early! Fragrant, medium-firm flesh with very good flavor. This is an early melon to feel good about! Large size for an early maturing cantaloupe. Best if harvested at half-slip.


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