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Goddess Cantaloupe (Not Treated)
Early! Fragrant, medium-firm flesh with very good flavor. This is an early melon to feel good about! Large-size for an early maturing cantaloupe. Best if harvested at half-slip.
Goddess Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)
Early! Fragrant, medium-firm flesh with very good flavor. This is an early melon to feel good about! Large size for an early maturing cantaloupe. Best if harvested at half-slip.
Hermosa Beach Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)
Extended shelf melon with adaptability to the southeast and hot and cool conditions. Growers will appreciate the harvest indicators: rind turns tan and fruit will slip when mature. Flavor is good; sugars generally range 13-15%. Shelf life improved over standard western shippers.
Home Run Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)
Yields a few days earlier than Athena and has performed well in Purdue University trials. Firm flesh, and sweet, slightly musky flavor.
Infinite Gold Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)
Long shelf life melon recognized for its flavor attributes, consistency in fruit quality, and durability. Fruit will not slip vine; look for net development on stem as the harvest indicator.
Mamut Western Cantaloupe (Farmore)
An excellent option for the international market that is demanding high quality fruit. Excellent vigorous and heathy plant. Uniform and firm fruit.
Orion Cantaloupe (Not Treated)
Eastern shipper showing good uniformity of size and consistency in quality from crown set to end of vine. Fruit has a clean appearance with a refined, complete net. Flavorful, with a balance of sweet and musky flavors.
Orion Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)
Eastern shipper showing good uniformity of size and consistency in quality from crown set to end of vine. Fruit has a clean appearance with a refined, complete net. Flavorful, with a balance of sweet and musky flavors.
Primo Cantaloupe (Farmore)
Primo Cantaloupe (Treated Seed)
Sugar Cube Cantaloupe (Not Treated)
“Just amazing” is the most comment about Sugar Cube’s flavor. The right size, at 2-4 lbs., to share for dessert or to pack in a CSA shipment. Sugar Cube is an intensely sweet and flavorful melon, sometimes when nothing else is. It has a medium net with no sutures. Great yield is insured by a healthy vine.