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Parsley Italian Giant Seedway Strain (Not Treated)
This strain of Gigante d’ Italia has a very good uniformity; a nice dark color and even stems. It has good bolting tolerance and good regrowth after cutting. SEEDWAY strain.
Parsley Jade (Not Treated)
Jade is double curl parsley that does well in hot to warm weather. It has parsley late blight resistance (Septoria petroselini). It may show several plants with flat leaves if crowded, but the good germination and appearance compensate for those off-types. It is otherwise very uniform.
Parsley Jade (Treated Seed)
Jade is double curl parsley that does well in hot to warm weather. It has Parsley Late Blight resistance. It may show several plants with flat leaves if crowded, but the good germination and appearance compensate for these off-types. It is otherwise very uniform.
Parsley Root Arat (Untreated, BMox, Primed) – Seed Coating Approved For Organic Growers
Arat parsley root, primed and with B-Mox. NEW! We can now offer the best parsley root variety in the world, Arat, with a prime and seed enhancement that is approved for organic growers. Early spring is the time to seed, and the priming will help the seed come up fast in cold soil. B-Mox is a seed enhancement that brings more energy to the seedlings. You can read more about B-Mox here: Arat is grown and bunched like a carrot. While the leaves are edible it is grown for the white root that resembles a parsnip, but not usually as long. Roots are truly delicious, and usually used in soup.
Red Garnet Amaranth (Not Treated)
Leaves are a great addition to salads or grown as microgreens.
Sage Broadleaf (Not Treated)
Sage Broadleaf is grown mainly for seasoning. It has a fragrant gray-green leaves.
Stevia Candy (Organic)
“Candy” is an improvement over “Leaf Candy” with improved ease of germination and a better price. Stevia, the natural sweetener, is good for plant sales as well as cut and bunched.
Thyme (Organic)
Thyme Vulgaris- a perennial herb also called German or Winter Thyme.
Uber Arugula (Not Treated)
Uber looks like wild arugula but has larger seed and grows faster. The seed count is around 275,000 seeds/lb so is much easier to seed than is true wild arugula. It has a delicious, not-too-strong, flavor. Leaves are thick, medium-dark green and the plant habit is erect.
Victorio Fennel (Organic)
Large round white bulbs, for winter and spring harvest in short-day (Southern states). Plant mid-summer, mature into Autumn. Victorio is bolt tolerant and has dark green foliage.