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Benefine Endive (Organic Seed With Organic Prime & Pellet)
Easy to grow finely cut frisee type endive that is slow bolting, good against tip burn and bottom rots. It will form a blanched head that is creamy colored, crunchy-tender, and somewhat mild tasting.
Broadleaf Batavian Endive (Treated Seed)
Dark green leaf, white mid-rib. Upright growth: creamy yellow hearts. Escarole types.
Carina Dandelion (Not Treated)
Carina is a vigorous hybrid dandelion that is a real eye-catcher! Leaves are thick, glossy, dark green and slightly wavy making for better volume. Carina is slow bolting. The ribs are pliable so it packs well for shipping. Tolerant to hot and cool conditions and can grow over winter with protection or in the south. Plant in-row 12” apart in rows that are 18” apart.
Carina Dandelion (Pelleted, Not Treated)
Carina is a vigorous hybrid dandelion that is a real eye-catcher! Leaves are thick, glossy, dark green and slightly wavy making for better volume. Carina is slow bolting. The ribs are pliable so it packs well for shipping. Tolerant to hot and cool conditions and can grow over winter with protection or in the south. Plant in-row 12” apart in rows that are 18” apart.
Full Heart Escarole (Primed,Pelleted)
60 days from transplant. Healthy, vigorous dark green plants. Great uniformity and color.
Green Ruffec Endive (Not Treated Seed)
Dark green leaf, white mid-rib. Upright growth: creamy yellow hearts. Escarole types.
Italiko Red Dandelion (Not Treated)
The dandelion shaped chicory has appealing magenta colored stems and veins.
Olmos Escarole (Primed, Pelleted)
Olmos is a real step up in escarole, with broad, green, wavy leaves that are more upright than usual. Heads are uniform but very slow bolting, tipburn tolerant and readily make a blanched heart. Very uniform.
Punto Dandelion (Not Treated)
Tall, dark green, erect leaves grow vigorously. Unlike wild dandelion, it will not go directly to flower and can be grown later in the season, including as a fall crop. Can be transplanted and good for multiple cuttings.
Punto Dandelion (Pelleted)
Tall, dark green, erect leaves grow vigorously. Unlike wild dandelion, it will not go directly to flower and can be grown later in the season, including as a fall crop. Can be transplanted and good for multiple cuttings.
Punto Dandelion (Treated Seed)
Tall dark green erect leaves grow vigorously; unlike wild dandelion it will not go directly to flower and can be grown later in season, including as a fall crop. Can be transplanted and good for multiple cuttings.
Rhodos Endive (Organic)
Also called Tres Fine Maraichere, and used in salad mix, this type has finely curled narrow leaves. Unlike baby lettuce, it is grown as separate heads and pulled apart. Space closely so the center will naturally bunch to a pale lemony color. Mildly bitter and crunchy.