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Python Cucumber (Not Treated)
Choose this dark, smooth, uniform, and productive variety to start the season. 8″ x 2.5″ fruit. Vigorous vines will climb trellising. Replaces Speedway with better disease resistance and less yellow belly. Fruit holds its length well through multiple picks.
Raceway Cucumber (Farmore)
Gynoecious. Raceway is a longer slicer that can be considered for plantings where heat stress may shorten fruit length. Raceway shows a strong dark green color with uniform color and reduced yellowing on the “belly” side. Downy Mildew resistance is good for later season plantings and also for extended harvest.
Raceway Cucumber (Not Treated)
Gynoecious. Raceway is a longer slicer that can be considered for plantings where heat stress may shorten fruit length. Raceway shows a strong dark green color with uniform color and reduced yellowing on the “belly” side. Downy Mildew resistance is good for later season plantings and also for extended harvest.
Senor Cucumber (Farmore Treated)
Preferred variety for trellis production. Monoecious.
Senor Cucumber (Not Treated)
Preferred variety for trellis production. Monoecious.
Senor Cucumber (Treated Seed)
Preferred variety for trellis production. Monoecious.
Speedway Cucumber (Farmore Treated)
Good choice to kick off the cucumber season! Quality, good length, uniform dark-green color. High early season yields. Gynoecious.
Speedway Cucumber (Treated Seed)
Good choice to kick off the cucumber season! Quality, good length, uniform dark-green color. High early season yields. Gynoecious.
SV4142CL (Not Treated)
A strong grower recommended for field trellis/pole production; vigorous vines and strong plant promote adaptability and strong yields. Plants are monecious and lend themselves to extended production.
SV4142CL Cucumber (Farmore)
A strong grower recommended for field trellis/pole production; vigorous vines and strong plant promote adaptability and strong yields. Plants are monecious and lend themselves to extended production.
SVCS0025 Cucumber (Farmore)
Monoecious variety intended for pole and trellis production and extended harvest use. SVCS0025 lends itself to high quality production of dark green fruit with limited numbers of unmarketable fruit.
SVCS0025 Cucumber (Not Treated)
Monoecious variety intended for pole and trellis production and extended harvest use. SVCS0025 lends itself to high quality production of dark green fruit with limited numbers of unmarketable fruit.