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Picolino Cucumber (Organic)
Picolino starts early and can keep producing for a long season. The fruit color is a consistent, nice bright green. 5″-6″ fruit has great flavor and texture with a tender skin. Although listed as 52 days, in a high tunnel you may pick fruit as quickly as 45 days. Fruit sets freely; be prepared to feed the vines generously to support the fruit.
Python Cucumber (Farmore Treated)
Early maturity and consistent performance. Maintains dark-green color and holds length well throughout multiple picks for high pack-out potential. Less yellow belly, can also be trellised. Gynoecious.
Python Cucumber (Not Treated)
Choose this dark, smooth, uniform, and productive variety to start the season. 8″ x 2.5″ fruit. Vigorous vines will climb trellising. Replaces Speedway with better disease resistance and less yellow belly. Fruit holds its length well through multiple picks.
Raceway Cucumber (Farmore)
Gynoecious. Raceway is a longer slicer that can be considered for plantings where heat stress may shorten fruit length. Raceway shows a strong dark green color with uniform color and reduced yellowing on the “belly” side. Downy Mildew resistance is good for later season plantings and also for extended harvest.
Raceway Cucumber (Not Treated)
Gynoecious. Raceway is a longer slicer that can be considered for plantings where heat stress may shorten fruit length. Raceway shows a strong dark green color with uniform color and reduced yellowing on the “belly” side. Downy Mildew resistance is good for later season plantings and also for extended harvest.
Senor Cucumber (Farmore Treated)
Preferred variety for trellis production. Monoecious.
Senor Cucumber (Not Treated)
Preferred variety for trellis production. Monoecious.
Senor Cucumber (Treated Seed)
Preferred variety for trellis production. Monoecious.
Speedway Cucumber (Farmore Treated)
Good choice to kick off the cucumber season! Quality, good length, uniform dark-green color. High early season yields. Gynoecious.
Speedway Cucumber (Treated Seed)
Good choice to kick off the cucumber season! Quality, good length, uniform dark-green color. High early season yields. Gynoecious.
Straight 8 Cucumber (Treated Seeds)
Straight Eight is a traditional Home Garden variety, used as a pickle when small and as a slicer when more mature. Growers should be encouraged to use other, more disease resistant varieties such as Picarow F1 or Wis. SMR 18 for pickling and / or Marketmore 76 or Roadside Fancy for slicing.
Super Max Cucumber (Farmore Treated)
An improved version of Supremo, with dark skin color and improved color uniformity. Excellent and consistent fruit quality from one harvest to the next. Fruit is smooth, blocky, and uniform. making it ready to pack and display easily. Monoecious.