Cover Crop And Biofumigants

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  • Caliente Rojo (Not Treated)

    Newest mustard release with purplish/red leaves and the highest glucosinolate production currently available. Vigorous growth with high leaf biomass and extensive root system. Good choice for organic or conventional growers with high disease and/or nematode pressure.

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  • Nemat/Caliente Rojo (Not Treated)

    This is a blend of arugula and mustard (Brassica Juncea). Nemat is an arugula variety for trap crops or to suppress root-knot and cyst nematodes. Caliente Rojo is a Brassica juncea blend with the highest glucosinolate concentration available making it an effective biofumigant. Rojo is very vigorous (and the red color is attractive). Used together, they provide an especially effective biofumigant for nematode and wireworm suppression along with weed & disease reduction. The Nemat arugula is lower growing and is added because the root exudates are very attractive to nematodes and wireworms. This attracts these mobile pests closer to the surface, enhancing the biofumigation action of the Caliente Rojo.

    Use the blend at 6-9 lb /acre.

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