Cauliflower Seeds

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  • Fujiyama Cauliflower (Treated Seed)

    Get a jump on summer cauliflower with this tropical type. Fujiyama NEEDS heat to make a big plant, but in heat it will make a medium-sized sweet tasting head. Maturity is outstandingly uniform. When slotted right, the plant gets nice and big, but should be tied for a truly white head. In south central PA, we do not seed earlier then the 1st week in June for crops beginning mid-August.

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  • Graffiti Cauliflower (Not Treated)

    True cauliflower with brilliant purple heads. Best raw since color fades when cooked, but remains attractive if not overcooked. Not heat tolerant, but successful in early spring sowing and fall.


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  • Graffiti Cauliflower (Treated Seed)

    True cauliflower with brilliant purple heads. Best raw since color fades when cooked, but remains attractive if not overcooked. Not heat tolerant, but successful in early spring sowing and fall.


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  • Orbit Romanesco (Not Treated)

    Early Romanesco type is attractive lime green, and medium-domed. Produces uniform 1lb heads on average with dense curds, no leaves in the head, and an exceptional wrap from a large erect plant.

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  • Orbit Romanesco (Treated Seed)

    Early Romanesco type is attractive lime green, and medium-domed. Produces uniform 1lb heads on average with dense curds, no leaves in the head, and an exceptional wrap from a large erect plant.

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  • Snow Crown Cauliflower (Not Treated)

    AAS winner. For early fresh market and shipping.

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  • Steady Cauliflower (Not Treated)

    Offers improved uniformity for its maturity, with solid white heads. Initial trials indicate that Steady has good heat tolerance and performs well in spring and fall. Good inner wrap.

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  • Steady Cauliflower (Treated Seed)

    Offers improved uniformity for its maturity, with solid white heads. Initial trials indicate that Steady has good heat tolerance and performs well in spring and fall. Good inner wrap.

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  • Symphony Cauliflower (Treated Seed)

    Main season variety. Vigorous plant can make very large heads.

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  • Toledo Cauliflower (Not Treated)

    An improved Arano with a tall frame producing well covered, dense, white curds. Vigorous and uniform.

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  • Toledo Cauliflower (Treated Seed)

    Toledo is a fantastic new variety for maturing in cool weather. With a very large wrap and complete inner wrap, Toledo has a pure white head , heavy head and excelled uniformity in maturity.

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  • TRI-C5063 Cauliflower (Not Treated)

    Tri-C5063 is a heat tolerant, early (62 day from transplant) cauliflower with a “personal-sized” head. The head size is perfect for a small family or roasting as a whole head. While naturally white, harvest before the wrapper leaves open. The head has a high, round dome and is dense, weighing 2 to 2.5lb. Because the head and plant are small, you can increase your plant population including planting two rows/bed, 15” in-row. If single row, decrease in-row to 12”.  It is not for the earliest slot since it is best to transplant when daytime temperature is between 60 and 70 degrees. It can be harvested from late spring on through fall in the north.

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