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Respecta Cabbage (Treated Seed)
Smaller and denser than Gunma. Attractive, smooth medium-green head. Quite clean and not prone to rot. Weighs 3.5 to 4.5 lb and is 8” to 10” across. Very good flavor, tender texture with even-thickness leaves. Suitable for early summer and short storage crops.
Riva Cabbage (Treated Seed)
Good under heat conditions. Excellent field holding capacity. High quality heads.
Ryou Pak Choi (Not Treated)
Compared to its sister-line, Raichu, Ryou is slightly more narrow and upright, for easy packaging. This baby green-stem Pak Choi has a refined, flask-shaped head, and very good tip burn tolerance for summer production. It has good vigor for the cooler seasons and we expect it to perform well in hydroponic systems.
Sircon Cabbage (Treated Seed)
Large heads have good recovery after storage, and are easy to trim. Clean, and nicely wrapped with a good frame.
Tiara Cabbage (Not Treated)
Tiara looks and tastes like a small iceberg lettuce. We have used it just like lettuce in salads and even sandwiches. The small heads are very uniform and have an appetizing fresh green color.
Transam Cabbage (Treated Seed)
Vigorous, highest dry matter for kraut, slaw. Short-term storage if immature.
Travero Cabbage (Organic)
Travero is a great choice for small heads, because it is excellent for narrow spacing. Despite its smaller head size, it does not require a long season. Travero is meant to be closely spaced. Exceptional cold tolerance and field holding ability.
Typhoon Cabbage (Organic)
This is one of the cleanest, best yielding kraut varieties, available and can be machine cut. With medium-late maturity, it is best used where kraut cabbage grows well.
Typhoon Cabbage (Treated Seed)
This is one of the cleanest, best yielding kraut varieties, available and can be machine cut. With medium-late maturity, it is best used where kraut cabbage grows well.
Verve Spring Greens (Not Treated)
Verve looks like a collard green but is tender and sweet. The traditional “Spring Greens” from England. Verve is an improved hybrid and can be grown nearly year-round with exceptional holding both in the field and in storage. Grown like a point head cabbage, it can be sold sleeved, like romaine lettuce. It cooks in a flash. If blanched, the outer leaves can be used as wraps.
Wawa Tsai Chinese Cabbage (Not Treated)
This mini Napa cabbage is just the right size for farm stands and CSA’s. It is easy to grow and uniform. Make sure to space closer than standard Napa. We suggest 8′ in a double or triple row. Wawa Tsai is uniquely sweet and tender.
Wawa Tsai Chinese Cabbage (Treated Seed)
This mini Napa Cabbage is just the right size for farm stands and CSA’S. It is easy to grow and uniform. make sure to space closer than standard Napa. We suggest 8′ in row in a double or triple row. Wawa Tsai is uniquely sweet and tender.