Green Fresh Market

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  • Bruno Cabbage (Treated Seed)

    Bruno features a tight wrap, and good head density. Best bet if you want a smaller head for boxing and need good Black Rot resistance.

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  • Caraflex Cabbage (Organic)

    Caraflex, if crowded to an 8″ row spacing, will make a smaller slender head that resembles romaine lettuce. It increases in girth with wider spacing. This type has excellent flavor and is a traditional first green of spring in many parts of Europe. It stores up to 10 weeks.

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  • Caraflex Cabbage (Treated Seed)

    Caraflex, if crowded to an 8″ row spacing, will make a smaller slender head that resembles romaine lettuce. It increases in girth with wider spacing. This type has excellent flavor and is a traditional first green of spring in many parts of Europe. It stores up to 10 weeks.

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  • Conqueror Cabbage (Not Treated)

    Large, early round cabbage with good flavor. Beautiful dark green color and a fancy appearance. Size will vary with spacing.

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  • Expat Cabbage (Treated Seed)

    Expat has excellent stress tolerance and can handle heat, cold and too much or too little water better than other varieties in its slot. A protective wrap keeps the dense heat clean.

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  • Farao Cabbage (Organic)

    Farao is a sturdy workhorse cabbage that can take rough handling. Despite its early maturity, it holds well in the field. Medium-small dense heads weigh 2-3 lbs. Farao is uniform and has tip burn resistance.

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  • Farao Cabbage (Treated Seed)

    This very early variety makes dense, sturdy heads that hold up well in the field. Very good uniformity and head size. Can be crowded.

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  • Gazelle Cabbage (Treated Seed)

    Very good quality in 2nd early class with moderately good holding in field. Uniform and vigorous.

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  • Gunma Cabbage (Not Treated)

    Large diameter, exaggerated flat heads produce thin, flexible leaves with a mild flavor. Great for stuffing and salads! This type of cabbage is preferred by some Asian markets and is fabulous for making whole sour head fermented cabbage. It is crisp-tender.

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  • Gunma Cabbage (Treated Seed)

    Large diameter, exaggerated flat heads produce thin, flexible leaves with a mild flavor. Great for stuffing! This type of cabbage is preferred by some Asian markets.

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  • Palamut Cabbage (Treated Seed)

    Palamut is a large heavy flat cabbage. It is cleaner and more uniform than is typical for this type of cabbage, which can be called “Asian Flat”. For others it is a specialty, since it is very good for making stuffed cabbage.

    The leaves are of even thickness, and, compared to Gunma, slightly thicker and less brittle with a dense structure. Heads are 14 to 16 inches across and weigh 6 to 10 lbs.


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  • Ramada Cabbage (Not Treated)

    Ramada is well wrapped, dark, classy and uniform.  The dense heads stand upright on strong stems. It is widely adapted and used for fresh market boxing and will store short term.  Does very well in heat, including the Southeast.

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