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Haku Chinese Cabbage (Treated Seed)
Haku is a medium-sized uniform Chinese/Napa cabbage with a very cylindrical head that boxes well. It is widely adapted, being popular in California, Arizona and performing well throughout the southeast and mid-Atlantic. It is able to take wide swings in temp. and still produce a good crop. It has a creamy yellow interior and medium green wrapper leaves. It has very strong bolting resistance as well as being tip burn tolerant. It has resistance to DM.
Joi Choi Pak Choi (Not Treated)
Classic white stem Pak choi. Upright plant habit with wide, white petioles and dark-green leaves. Uniform, slow-bolting and cold tolerant.
Joi Choi Pak Choi (Treated Seed)
Classic white stem Pak choi. Upright plant habit with wide, white petioles and dark-green leaves. Uniform, slow-bolting and cold tolerant.
Li Ren Choi Pak Choi (Not Treated)
This green stem Pak Choi is smaller, earlier and even more uniform than Mei Qing Choi. Bolt resistance is very good.
Li Ren Choi Pak Choi (Treated Seed)
This green stem Pak Choi is smaller, earlier and even more uniform than Mei Qing Choi. Bolt resistance is very good.
Mei Qing Choi (Pak Choi) (Treated Seed)
Popular miniature-green stem Pak Choi. Vigorous growth with uniform maturity. Good tolerance to both heat and cold and very bolt resistant.
Mei Qing Choi Pak Choi (Not Treated)
Popular miniature-green stem Pak Choi. Vigorous growth with uniform maturity. Good tolerance to both heat and cold and very bolt resistant.
Meriko Chinese Cabbage (Treated Seed)
Meriko has the bright yellow interior favored by Korean markets and is especially suited for making kimchi. Compared to Pacifiko, the shape is a bit more slender and cylindrical, rather than barrel shaped. The weight will be the same. Emiko will retain its yellow center as it matures and becomes more dense. Like Pacifiko, it has the ability to stand up the heat and rain, with good soft rot tolerance.
Miao Pak Choi (Not Treated)
The tiniest pak choi also has beautiful, glossy, dark green, crinkled leaves. Slow bolting and widely adapted with light green stems.
Michihli Chinese Cabbage (Not Treated)
MICHIHILI the open pollinated variety is used to grow the tall narrow type of Chinese Cabbage. It is best for fall crops as it might bolt if seeded in early spring. While the head is slender, the plant is large.
Miz America Mustard (Not Treated)
Beautiful nearly solid purple-wine color with frilly leaves. Slow bolting. This is a hybrid but priced so that it can be used as baby leaf. Not a true mizuna, it has a delicious zingy mustard flavor, and is excellent to spice up salad.
Miz America Mustard (Treated Seed)
Beautiful nearly solid purple-wine color with frilly leaves. Slow bolting. This is a hybrid but priced so that it can be used as baby leaf. Not a true mizuna, it has a delicious zingy mustard flavor, and is excellent to spice up salad.