Broccoli Seeds

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  • Abrams Broccoli (Treated Seed)

    Plant provides high quality crown with smooth, firm, tight dome shape with flat bottom.  Dark green crown color with uniform medium fine bead.  Vigorous plant which hold the head up well.

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  • Asteroid Broccoli (Not Treated)

    With excellent uniformity and good heat tolerance, we think Asteroid will prove to be widely adapted for both spring and summer seeding.  Asteroid has medium sized, smooth stems making it one of the best heat tolerant broccoli varieties for bunching, but can also be used for crown cut.

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  • Asteroid Broccoli (Treated Seed)

    With excellent uniformity, and good heat tolerance, we think Asteroid will prove to be widely adapted for both spring and summer seeding. It is used for crown cut , and has a smooth enough stem for bunching.

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  • Avenger Broccoli (Not Treated)

    Avenger is widely used for harvest in cooler weather in fall, producing large, dense heads. if seeded early, it is only a few days later than Imperial. If seeded late, it will mature very late, similar to Expo. It is used for crown cut.

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  • Avenger Broccoli (Treated Seed)

    Avenger is for mid to late fall harvest in cool to cold weather. Heads are large with a denser, higher, smooth dome. Avenger matures mid-season in early fall plantings, and very late in mid to late fall plantings.

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  • BC1764 Broccoli (Treated Seed)

    BC1764 is a fast-maturing variety with good holding ability that provides an added level of flexibility, especially hot growing conditions of the desert regions in the southwest United States. It can be grown for bunch, floret and domestic crowns, potentially allowing a grower to meet three different market needs.

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  • Bella Verde Broccoli (Not Treated)

    Bella Verde is a “sweet stem” or stick broccoli. It is grown like regular broccoli, but separate stems are harvested to be packaged as a bunch. Bella Verde is slightly earlier and sometimes with a tighter bead than the standard sweet stem varieties. It is good in spring but better going from warm to cool. Each plant will have around 10-15 side shoots and should be harvested when the head is about 1 inch (2-3 cm) diameter. If it is bigger than 1 inch, the buds will start flowering (so harvest promptly). Growers should experiment with pinching out the center shoot. See “pinched” photo that shows plants that have been pinched.

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  • Bella Verde Broccoli (Treated Seed)

    Bella Verde is a “sweet stem” or stick broccoli. It is grown like regular broccoli, but separate stems are harvested to be packaged as a bunch. Bella Verde is slightly earlier and sometimes with a tighter bead than the standard sweet stem varieties. It is good in spring but better going from warm to cool. Each plant will have around 10-15 side shoots and should be harvested when the head is about 1 inch (2-3 cm) diameter. If it is bigger than 1 inch, the buds will start flowering (so harvest promptly). Growers should experiment with pinching out the center shoot. See “pinched” photo that shows plants that have been pinched.

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  • Belstar Broccoli (Organic)

    Main season variety for fall crops. Excellent crown cut with heavy, high-domed, tight beads, and refined, small uniform beads.

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  • Burgundy Broccoli (Not Treated)

    This striking purple shoot type broccoli is easy to grow, and can be planted in most slots. Snap out, and sell, the first shoots from the center of the plant, and it will quickly send up side shoots. The shoot stems and florets are sweet and tender. Color is best when raw or quickly steamed. This is normal, vigorous full-sized plant.

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  • Castle Dome Broccoli (Treated Seed)


    This early variety can be used in early spring to mature before it gets really hot and also in fall going into cold weather. It is mostly used for crown cut.

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  • Diplomat Broccoli (Treated Seed)

    Offers a good combination of heat tolerance and head quality. A longer, cleaner stem makes Diplomat good for bunching.

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