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BA0958 Green Pod Bush Bean (Cruiser Treated Seed)
High yielding plant with a large bush which produces straight pods and a very concentrated set. Has shown field tolerance to Root Rot Fungal Complex.
GR: SE = Geographical Restriction; Due to a vendor agreement, we may not be able to supply large quantity orders in the Southeast States.
Barron Green Pod Bush Bean (Cruiser Treated)
High pod placement in a very upright plant. Good heat set. The darkest pod color on the market.
Bartram Green Pod Bush Bean (Cruiser Treated)
Green bean sets and yields well in warmer planting slots from spring to summer for a widely adapted variety. Produces consistent marketable yield for reliable returns. Features an upright plant for an efficient harvest. Pods detach with caps and stems which aids in better shelf life. Smooth straight pods good for bagged product.
Blue Lake 274 Green Pod Bush Bean (Treated Seed)
A classic bunch variety known for having the right texture and flavor for freezing and canning.
Blue Lake Pole Bean FM-1 (Treated Seed)
A mid to late season pole bean with an extended harvest period and excellent eating quality.
Bridgeton Lima Bean (Treated Seed)
Baby lima for processing or fresh sales. Resists A & B strains of Downy Mildew.
California Blackeye #5 Cowpea (Not Treated)
Tall bushy plants bear pods level with the foliage. A long time favorite with Southern growers!
California Blackeye #5 Cowpea (Treated Seed)
Tall bushy plants bear pods level with the foliage. A long time favorite with Southern growers!
Caprice Green Pod Bush Bean (Cruiser Treated Seed)
Glossy pods give a great appearance and quality for direct sales or shipping. Upright plants provide concentrated set in upper 2/3.
NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN AZ, CA, ID, MT, NV, OR, TX, WA, QU. GR:SE = Geographical restriction; Due to a vendor agreement, we may not be able to supply large quantity orders in the Southeast States. Excellent pod color, appearance and quality for direct sales or shipping. Upright plants provide concentrated set in upper 2 / 3.
Caprice Green Pod Bush Bean (Not Treated)
Glossy pods give a great appearance and quality for direct sales or shipping. Upright plants provide concentrated set in upper 2/3.
NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN AZ, CA, ID, MT, NV, OR, TX, WA, QU. GR:SE = Geographical restriction; Due to a vendor agreement, we may not be able to supply large quantity orders in the Southeast States. Excellent pod color, appearance and quality for direct sales or shipping. Upright plants provide concentrated set in upper 2 / 3.
Contender Green Pod Bush Bean
Contender matures early and does well in cooler weather, setting a crop of medium green pods on a bush plant. Pods maintain their quality when canned or frozen..
Coronet Pinkeye Cowpea (Treated Seed)
This southern pea was bred by the University of Georgia. An improved pinkeye purple hull. The pods are purple. The peas are green with light pink colored eyes.