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Blazer Dual Purpose Oat
Tall leafy oat with improved standability with superior Crown Rust resistance. Seed at 120 -150 lbs. per acre. High yielding forage variety but also a good choice for those wanting high grain and straw yields.
Caprice Grain Oat
This variety, tested as SD150015 in the 2018-2023 Cornell University Trials, has consistently ranked as the top performer over five years. It boasts a strong yield, excellent resistance to current races of Crown Rust, and good resistance to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV). With a tan hull color, it is a very showy variety that also offers very good lodging resistance. The plant is short in stature and has a very good test weight, though it has a smaller relative seed size.
Grazemaster Winter Forage Rye
Grazemaster is not a ryegrass, it is a leafier winter forage rye that has excellent cold tolerance.When compared to VNS rye it is higher in forage quality, containing higher protein and superior digestibility that is higher in energy.
Hybrid Flex Triticale
Dual planting window, spring/fall. Awnletted. Earlier maturity than FlexTM. Great for double cropping. Above average winterhardiness. Widely adapted throughout the US, spring planted in the North or Fall planted in the South and PNW.
HYOCTANE Winter Forage Triticale
HyOctane is a winter triticale variety that has shown favorable forage yield and winter hardiness across the East Coast. HyOctane makes a great option for fall grazing on ensiling in the spring before corn planting. Reduced awned variety to aid livestock palatability. Good early-season vigor and earlier heading date than traditional varieties with a medium straw strength. Very short awns and a very high leaf to stem ratio with excellent yield and quality.
Juggernaut Winter Oat
Medium-tall, Southern adapted variety that is great for forage, grain, cover crop, and wildlife food plot use. Excellent grain and forage yield potential. Exceptional resistance to crown rust, specifically a new race that is prevalent in the Southern U.S.
KARA Forage Oat
Kara forage oat is a tall, leafy, forage style oat selected to replace SkiHi™ Forage oat. With excellent yield and improved resistance to leaf rust, it topped the 2018 Penn State Forage trials.
Maverick Winter Forage Triticale
Maverick is a new winter awnletted triticale release that was bred for forage yield and quality and reduced awns. It is a tall, leafy variety, but with good standability. It is a mid to late season variety, relative to other forage triticale’s, has good winter hardiness, excellent disease resistance, and has performed well in testing in the Northeast.
Steuben Spring Oat
Strong yielder with excellent standability. 8 bushel yield advantage and improved test weight over Corral in 6 years of testing at Cornell University. Strong resistance to current races of Crown Rust. White hull color similar to Hayden.