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BIGBANG Annual Ryegrass
A tetraploid selected for early heading, yield and disease resistance. It provides high quality forage, consistent yields and excellent regrowth. Bigbang is highly adaptable for use as a cover crop, its deep roots build soil structure and increase organic matter
CENTURION Annual Ryegrass
The ideal annual ryegrass choice for dairies, beef and hay operations. Excellent winter- hardiness and will not linger long into the summer. When fall planted it will survive the early onslaught of cold, wet weather to provide cover and offer biodiversity following non-grass crops. High quality excellent forage yield.
ELENA Perennial Ryegrass
Farm Science Genetics®. High yield potential. Excellent seedling vigor and stolen activity. Resists leaf diseases and field viruses. Superior persistence. Drought tolerant, widely adapted, ideal for pastures. Seed at 5-8 lbs. alone, 2 lbs. in mixes.
FRIA Annual Ryegrass
Farm Science Genetics®. Endophyte-free ANNUAL diploid. Late maturity with superior cold tolerance and excellent palatability. Improved resistance to crown rust, gray leaf spot and helminthosporium leaf spot.
Tetilia tetraploid Italian ryegrass offers superior yield for winter feed, hay, or silage, with increased stand persistence and compatibility with clover mixtures. It is highly palatable, digestible, and nutritious, with late maturity and excellent seedling vigor, ensuring quick establishment and outstanding regrowth. Known for its great crown and stem rust resistance, Tetilia provides an excellent start for high-milk-producing dairy pastures and supports strong weight gains in beef herds. This variety is often ready to graze in less than two months after planting.
Geographical Restriction: Available in Western US only.
TETRAMAG Hybrid Ryegrass
Excellent yield potential and stand-life expectancy of 3-5 years. Highest ranking entry in Cornell University and University of Kentucky forage trials. This yield potential is due in part to TetraMag’s unparalleled seedling vigor. Improved forage quality and continues to produce all season long. Seed at 35-45 lbs alone, 10-15 lbs. in mixes.
TETRAPRIME Italian Ryegrass
The new benchmark in Tetraploid varieties. Persistence under drought, high grazing tolerance, & far exceeds traditional annual rye forage quality. Selected for grazing applications, TetraPrime has excellent grazing tolerance and can be closely grazed without jeopardizing the integrity of the field. This close-graze ability allows for total forage usage.
TETRASWEET Perennial Ryegrass
Highly palatable, fast establishing, tetraploid perennial rye. Tillers extensively, rapid recovery, excellent choice for all types of forage production. Can be grazed. High digestibility leads to increased animal performance and increased producer profits. Seed at 35-45 lbs alone, 10-15 lbs. in mixes.