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Dells Forage Meadow Fescue
Dells is the new generation of Forage Meadow Fescue developed in the USA! 2023 Crop Year is the first time for commercial seed to be available. Dells Forage Meadow Fescue exhibits all the usual characteristics found in meadow fescue like high forage quality, superior winter hardiness and tolerance to wet soils.
Dells also can efficiently tolerate and quickly recover from droughts as observed in recent years at Peak Plant Genetics in Western Oregon. The original germ plasm was selected in the Northeastern US to tolerate frequent and close grazing for horse pastures. This germ plasm was then crossed back with other top producing commercially available seed cultivars for improved forage yield. The result is a robust variety with a strong root system that is better equipped to handle flash droughts as well as periods of high rainfall, water logging and disease pressure.
Dells is well adapted to the Upper Midwest and Northeastern US cold winters with ongoing testing for its adaptation in other regions.
DEVOUR Orchardgrass
Developed to withstand the rigors of intensive grazing systems which can destroy lesser varieties. Extended periods of hoof traffic and feeding won’t deter Devour. Quick to establish, out competing weeds, and producing a better, high yielding pasture. Late maturing can be seeded with clover or alfalfa. High NDFD- very palatable.
Dominate Tall Fescue
Dominate is an endophyte free variety. Outstanding regrowth and color during the summer which maximizes grazing and hay production. Use in pure stands or in combination with legumes. Great for winter stockpiling. Excellent adaptability to varying soil types.
DYNAMO Alfalfa
Explosive forage yield and superior forage quality results in exceptional feed value, higher milk production, and improved crude protein content. Dense canopy with dark green foliage and high multifoliate leaf expression. Rapid regrowth after cutting.
ELENA Perennial Ryegrass
Farm Science Genetics®. High yield potential. Excellent seedling vigor and stolen activity. Resists leaf diseases and field viruses. Superior persistence. Drought tolerant, widely adapted, ideal for pastures. Seed at 5-8 lbs. alone, 2 lbs. in mixes.
Enhance Persian Clover
EVERLAST Orchardgrass
Everlast late orchardgrass is a widely adapted, cool-season perennial grass that excels in a wide range of growing conditions. Its late maturity allows for flexible harvest times, making it well-suited for both grazing and hay production. Everlast’s resistance to stem rust and excellent winter survival ensures consistent forage yields throughout the growing season and over the life of the stand. Mixed with legumes, Everlast improves pasture diversity and soil fertility, making it a versatile and valuable choice for improved forage quality.
Express II is a late maturing timothy variety with a heading date approximately one week later than Climax and a substantial yield advantage as show in the tech sheet in the Download section below. Express II is taller in plant height and has longer panicle than Climax along with superior foliar disease resistance. Express II is excellent in mixtures with legumes and for fields where later hay harvests are required due to wet soil conditions. In pure stands, Express II’s high forage yield and quality makes it ideal for premium horse and other livestock hay.
Fracking Radish
Fracking Daikon Radish is a deep rooted forage radish that will make an outstanding winter cover crop. The deep taproot of the Fracking Radish can help break up tough, compacted soil, improve water filtration, suppress weeds, eliminate pests and store nitrogen. The benefits are optimized if the radish is planted in late summer.
FRIA Annual Ryegrass
Farm Science Genetics®. Endophyte-free ANNUAL diploid. Late maturity with superior cold tolerance and excellent palatability. Improved resistance to crown rust, gray leaf spot and helminthosporium leaf spot.
FROSTY Berseem Clover
Berseem clover, Trifolium alexandrinum, is a cool-season annual legume. Featuring salt tolerance, high nitrogen fixation, and a synergistic relationship to alfalfa. Frosty, while preserving its Mediterranean genetics, has been bred for later maturity, cold tolerance, productivity, and nutritional value. Frosty has very low hard seed counts, allowing for quick establishment and lessening its potential to become a weed.
FSG 402 Red Clover
Farm Science Genetics®. High yield potential, unmatched forage quality, excellent disease resistance, superior persistence. Highly resistant to Northern and Southern anthracnose and powdery mildew. Performs across wide geography and variable conditions. Seed at 10-12 lbs. alone, 4-8 lbs. in mixes.