Red Clover

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  • BEARCAT Red Clover

    Complimented by aggressive regrowth and a superior disease resistance package, it has shown outstanding stand persistence and high forage yield. With its strong disease resistance, hardiness, and aggressive regrowth it’s proven to be consistently productive in adverse environments.

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  • FSG 402 Red Clover

    Farm Science Genetics®. High yield potential, unmatched forage quality, excellent disease resistance, superior persistence. Highly resistant to Northern and Southern anthracnose and powdery mildew. Performs across wide geography and variable conditions. Seed at 10-12 lbs. alone, 4-8 lbs. in mixes.

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  • Q Medium Red Clover

    Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) is an important forage legume worldwide, second only to alfalfa, but establishment of red clover can be challenging due to competition from broad-leaf weeds.

    Q Medium Red Clover is a high yielding, short-lived perennial legume developed using traditional breeding methods (non-GMO) to provide tolerance to the broad spectrum herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D).

    It features excellent biomass production throughout the year and its earlier spring growth means weeds have less time to get established.

    This results in a higher quality forage, while reducing your herbicide costs.

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