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SW 1021VT (RIB)

The current yield pacesetter for grain yield in the maturity comes with the highest recommendation. A leafy, robust plant that puts on a large, flexy ear with both length and girth. The deep kernels release their moisture quickly after grain fill is complete resulting in a softer kernel texture and more moderate test weight. All this adds up to a silage ration rich in grain with a lot of readily available starch in the ration. Responds to good management with higher yields, but also good on stress. Only available in a VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® technology trait package so use where Corn Rootworm is not a concern.


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SW 1600VT (RIB)

A broadly adapted full-season hybrid for grain that moves south and stands strong in the field. The large, flex ears that grow even bigger at lower populations and fill to the tips with fancy test weight grain are hard to beat. A more compact plant type with a lower ear placement enhances standability late into the fall. Strong out of the ground for early planting and fends off late summer drought. Fights off disease complexes in the South like Southern Rust and Southern Corn Leaf Blight. Both VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® and Roundup Ready® Corn 2 trait packages are available.


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SW 7559VIP 3110

Well adapted southern Pennsylvania to Florida and the coastal US. Total package with grain yield, test weight, and agronomics. Good vigor and growth for a late hybrid. Consistently good performance where Gray Leaf Spot is present. Fancy grain near food grade level. Exciting new genetic platform..

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SW 8888VT (RIB)

This new hybrid adds more genetic diversity to the SEEDWAY line and addresses a lot of acres in the maturity with top-shelf agronomics. Performance is on par or better than the best current products for grain and silage in the lineup with a fresh, sharp look. The ear is longer, with deep kernels and good tip fill plus the husks flare open at harvest to promote rapid drydown of high-quality grain. The plant is fairly tall and more intact later in the season, producing a lot of fodder to make a lot of high-quality feed. A widely adapted hybrid that is up to the test in all yield environments and can flex its ears under lower plant stands. Only available in a VT Double PRO® RIB Complete® technology trait package so use where Corn Rootworm is not a concern.


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SW 9199DV (E-Z)

Top-shelf grain play with a state-of-the-art insect control trait package that provides both above and below-ground insect protection. Viptera® technology also protects against Western Bean Cutworm and Corn Earworm damage to maintain yield and quality. A fairly tall plant with wider leaves and nice dark green color. Consistent, girthy ears down the row produce high-quality golden grain with first-rate test weight. The lower ear placement and superior plant intactness both support good standability at harvest. Artesian® technology provides season-long drought protection.

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SW 8977 Organic

New introduction to the SEEDWAY Organic lineup with a very flashy appearance in the field. Well adapted to the challenges North Country growing conditions can bring. The tall plant produces ample tonnage for the dairy producer. The long ears flower early and the kernels set up quickly to produce top bushels of high test weight grain even when heat units are limited. Husks reliably flare open to promote good air circulation and help protect grain quality from ear molds in damp fall conditions. Seed comes untreated.

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Steuben Spring Oat

Strong yielder with excellent standability. 8 bushel yield advantage and improved test weight over Corral in 6 years of testing at Cornell University. Strong resistance to current races of Crown Rust. White hull color similar to Hayden.

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SW 0711SS (RIB)

A real standout in the 2022 SEEDWAY Grain Strip Trials for both yield and test weight. Rated excellent for Anthracnose Stalk Rot and superior for basic stalk and root strength to ensure dependable standability at harvest. The fairly tall plant has a more upright leaf habit to improve sunlight interception at denser plant populations and increase tonnage. Adapted north and south of zone and may benefit from a fungicide application to improve late-season health. Performs up to expectations under all yield environments and good in drought. Only available in a SmartStax® RIB Complete® technology trait package.


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SW 1142D E-Z

New hybrid for 2023 that targets the moderate yield acre with dependable performance. Tall plant with good leafiness for silage use. Lower ear placement and solid test weight for grain use. Longer, more slender ears with flex adapt to different plant populations. Strong out of the ground for early planting but avoid soggy and compacted soils.

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SW 9600SS (RIB)

This newly released relative to the hot-selling SW 9504VT (RIB) makes a great pairing for grain on fields where below-ground insect protection is needed. The seedling emerges quickly from the soil in the spring and develops into a tall, burly plant with a longer ear that hangs out between the rows in the fall and looks great. Husks flare open to promote rapid grain drydown producing outstanding yields of high-quality grain with superior test weight. Superior stalk health including excellent scores for Anthracnose Stalk Rot plus plant intactness ensure the crop will be standing well at harvest. Expect silage tonnage to run with the best of them and produce a grain rich ration. Only available in a SmartStax® RIB Complete® technology trait package.


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